
Friday, April 12, 2013

# 0035: Favorite Stories: The Chocolate Cheerios

I love telling stories about my kiddos. I've got baby books, blog books and journals of things they say plus photo albums where I take notes. One day, there will be a family historian that will love me!
Here's an oldie but a goodie:

In January of 2010 a brand new flavor of Cheerios hit grocery store shelves; chocolate! In September of 2011 our family brought a box home to our shelves... and this is where our story begins:
This is one of my most my most embarrassing mom stories (way worse than any breastfeeding mis-hap [to date]).
Typically, we bring a small container of Cheerios with us to church services for The Little Man. Not because he can’t go a little ole’ hour without eating but, because of the time services are (and to keep him occupied).
The Man of the House packed a Rubbermaid container full of chocolate Cheerios one Sunday morning. Our kitchen does not have much counter space and the only place to sit the box was on top of a fork laying on the counter. Don’t set cereal boxes on top of forks- you will end up with cereal scattered all over your kitchen floor. I wish this bad omen would have been the end of the story... After the clean-up, he packed the Cheerios away in the church-bag (the church-bag is just a small bag with colors, a coloring book, a couple toys and... Cheerios inside for the kiddos).
We were getting around really well that day and made it to church early! After the singing, the preaching began which is when the church-bag is typically brought out. The Cheerios container was filled to the brim! The Little Man gets EXTREMELY excited about food so we have to hide the container from him and dole the cheerios out one or two at a time. It’s hard to hold the big guy, dole out the Cheerios and keep it hidden all at the same time so, I pass the container off to The Man of the House. Our hand-off was less than smooth... the container full of Cheerios slipped between our hands, dropped on floor and the Cheerios SCATTERED! The floor is carpet, but there were so many Cheerios, it was like Skittles in a movie theatre except they didn’t roll... DISASTER! Heavy sighs from the both of us and The Little Man is rocking back and forth (making his grunting MMM-MMM noise) trying to get at ‘em!
There were so many Cheerios in the container that some of them managed to stay put. We decided to give The Little Man the container and let him dig in. With much less Cheerios in the cup they wont overflow with his little fist digging in and if he spills one or two, so what?(... now...). So, he’s digging in, pulling out fist fulls and stuffing them in his mouth. Who can blame him? They are chocolate... Cheerios... Cheerios with a thin, sticky, chocolate glaze... I’m trying to pay attention to the lesson when he looks up at me and smiles. He looks like he’s been eating a Hershey bar! His whole face- mouth, chin, cheeks, forehead, eyelids- covered in chocolate! -hands, arms, shirt -chocolate! His cheeks are bulging with Cheerios like a chipmunk with nuts preparing for the winter. I just smiled back at him. He was really enjoying himself. My mom saw the mess and handed me a Rib Crib wet wipe from her purse and shrugged. I decided I would wait to do any clean-up till he was all done. The Man of the Hosue shook his head. Every time we uncrossed and recrossed our legs we couldn’t avoid hearing the crunch of chocolate Cheerios on the floor.
THEN! Then, The Little Man started to choke. There were so many Cheerios in there! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why did I let him just have-at-it? He choked and gagged and well, he was really struggling. I swept my finger through his mouth three or four times pulling out very soggy Cheerios and handing them over to The Man of the House (who claimed later that he wasn’t ever concerned about the choking scene). Finger sweeps, patting on the back- Did I mention we sit in the front? Finally, everything seemed to be “under control” so I got up and carried The Little Man out to the car where I cleaned up his face and hands, changed his diaper and put a clean shirt on him. I really did not want to go back in there. I had the keys- I could have just left. I could have sat The Girl's car seat on the ground with a note for her and her dad that said, “Find a way home.” I did not want to go back in there... but, I knew I still had Cheerios to clean up- crunched and whole... so we went back in... After worship was over, I got the vacuum and The Man of the House, my mom and a very sweet lady who sits behind us helped pick up the Cheerios. I rushed out of there as fast as I could!
So, many opportunities to have given up on eating a chocolaty Cheerio snack; at home, we could have left them on our floor; at church, we could have left that container on the floor... Heavy sigh...

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