In the first few days after my baby was born, I was seeking advice from just about everyone. I had no idea what I was doing, but I wanted to do everything "right." I wanted to breastfeed, but most of the hospital staff warned against using a pacifier too soon. Another family member suggested I go ahead and use it. So here I was with conflicting advice, torn and overwhelmed, not knowing what to do. I felt like everyone else knew what to do and could care for my sweet little boy better than I could in those early days. After all, they had experience and I didn't.
Finally after asking my mom a series of questions about what to do for my baby she said "YOU are his mama. You know best." When she first said that I thought, 'no, no I don't...I'm lost and don't know what to do!' As time goes on though, I think about when she told me that and I'm so glad she did. She may not have realized it then, but she was giving me confidence as a mama to care for my baby. One of the things I've had to learn quick is to be confident in whatever decision you make. If you are just a tiny bit self conscious about some aspect of your mothering, it's like people can sense it and jump in to offer advice, advice you really would rather not hear. Am I alone on this? It seems like if you are confident in your decision, people can sense that too and don't seem to offer as much unsolicited advice.
Nobody knows your kids like you do, and nobody can love them like you can. I have no problem asking for advice. I ask more experienced moms about something almost everyday. The difference between the first few days of being a mama and now is that I've learned to listen to everyone's advice, but sort through it and do what works for our family. Every precious little boy and girl is unique and special in their own way. There are no cookie cutter kids. Next time someone starts to offer advice (or critiques) of your parenting style, listen to what they have to say, but filter through and pick out what works... and remember, YOU are the mama! You know best.
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