1. Nursing my baby
I’ll be honest, I was not looking forward to breastfeeding. I didn't think about it or try to learn anything until about a week before my baby was born. I knew I wanted to breastfeed since it is better for him, better for me, and we’d be together just about all day, everyday, but I just dreaded it. I thought “yeah I’ll give it a whirl, but if the going gets tough, then I’m done!” I thought it would be hard (and it was). I thought it would be painful in the beginning (and it was). I also didn't like that I would be the only who would be able to feed him during the night (and I am). BUT, I didn't expect how much satisfaction I would get from nursing him. It is amazing to me that he has been getting his nourishment from me alone (and the good Lord) ever since pregnancy. I enjoy bonding with him and seeing his little smiles after his tummy gets filled up. I’m glad I didn't give up in the beginning and that I’m able to do this for him. My prayer is that I’ll be able to continue.
2. Night feeds
You may be thinking “Night feeds?! Are you crazy? You’re telling me like waking up in the middle of the night, every single night to feed a crying, impatient baby?” Well, of course I would LOVE a full night’s sleep! Sometimes when he is up earlier than I thought he would be or up again, I think “Ugh, already? Maybe if I just lay here he’ll forget his hunger.” He never forgets. It’s hard to think logically at 3:00 am! I knew having a baby meant a lot less sleep than I was used to, but I didn't anticipate how hard it is night after night of interrupted sleep. Somehow, I’m still able to function. I do consider myself lucky because my little guy usually only gets up once a night to eat. He’s also recently begun fighting sleep, so my husband sings to him and walks him around until he falls asleep. I enjoy night feeds because I can’t help but have my heart softened and melted a little when he’s all sleepy and snugly after he’s done eating. Sometimes it’s all I can do lay him back in his cradle instead of snuggling with him! It is precious.
3. Stranger’s Comments
Before my baby was born, all I had really heard was how strangers will make rude and snide comments to you in the grocery store, Dr’s office, or anywhere else they feel entitled to. Nobody mentioned that sometimes strangers can be very encouraging people who we run into during our everyday errands. For example, my first grocery shopping trip with my baby was going great, or so I thought! I remembered my reusable shopping bags, my grocery list, and was pushing a cart with a sleeping baby through the store. Mom of the year! And then it happened… I plowed my cart full of groceries right into a Ritz cracker display, knocking over probably a dozen or so boxes of crackers. I was looking for a rock to hide under when all of a sudden a sweet, older lady (on oxygen no less!) helped me pick up all of the boxes and said a few nice words. Another example, I went to Hobby Lobby with my baby. I was unsure of how his carseat would fit in their carts, so as grabbed my cart I quickly shot over to the nearest aisle to figure it out without putting on a show for everybody in the checkout lines. As I was working to figure out the best way to load the carseat, I felt a stare from someone behind me. I turned around and saw a lady at the entrance of aisle. I apologized for being in her way and started to move, but she said “it just doesn't want to go in there, does it? Here, let me hold your cart while you load him.” Yes, for every helpful person, there are probably 5 rude ones, but I am so encouraged by the helpful ones! When my kids are grown, I hope I can be a help to a young momma in the store as well.
4. Taking my baby church
I mean, really, how much do I “get” out of the lessons? Between changing an explosive diaper, feeding, calming a crying baby, or just wrestling with one, needless to say I no longer get to sit peacefully through a sermon. Also, sometimes it feels as if we've just ran a marathon to make it out the door to be there (somewhat) on time or our little man is grouchy on Wednesday nights because by the time it’s over it is his bedtime. But all of that is worth it! It is so worth it! I love how my baby puts a smile on an elderly woman’s face. I love hearing stories from parents about when their kids were babies. I love the sweet words they say to my husband and I. Even if I don’t hear every word the preacher says or get to follow along with him in my Bible, I am encouraged by the brotherly love and kindness I receive when we meet together.
5. Diaper changes
Yes, I do love changing my little man’s diaper. He’s getting to the age where he is all smiles as I sing him a silly song or blow on his tummy. I was surprised at how much you bond with babies just by changing diapers. Obviously when you find out you are expecting a baby, you know you’ll be changing a lot of diapers. It can become as monotonous as brushing your teeth if you let it, but I believe if I serve my baby with a smile on my face, it not only makes him a happier baby, but it makes me a happier momma. Who doesn't like to see a big ol’ baby grin look up at them?
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