
Friday, September 6, 2013

# 0043: Waiting on Trains

We like things our kids like. That's pretty simple. When they are into Mickey Mouse, guess who's reading up on Walt Disney? When they're into super heroes, guess who also has a sudden interest in the super hero movies? When they're into trains or butterflies, guess who's constantly on the look out for anything remotely pertaining to trains or butterflies? It's not hard. It's not a sacrifice. It's just part of relating to each other in a family.
My kids love trains. Most all kids love trains. Anytime there is a little train around- we are in line, waiting our turn, and wavin gat the other kids already on! Yes, we will pay any amount of money for a redicuoulsly short ride on anything that remotely resembles a train! So, when we see a real train in town- a big train- we stop. Of course, everyone stops. We're required by law...

Cars are backed up down the road and we're late for school, but those little necks in the back seat are craned and they're eyes are wide. I love to look in my rearview mirror at the gawkers in my back seat. I'm happy to stop for trains. The longer the better! Pretty soon we'll all be counting cars and guessing how many there will be by the time the last one rolls by.
I know that not everyone loves waiting on trains, but there's always at least one car (most likely a minivan) full of little people who are lovin' it! That looooong train that is taking up the road might very well be the topic of discussion at dinner that night.

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