
Friday, May 24, 2013

# 0041: Snuggling Up, Watching a Movie

Classic. You see this on facepage statuses all the time: "Snuggled up on the couch watching a movie with my kiddo tonight!"
We have movie nights fairly often and they're a big deal. We have to have things picked up and ready to jump in bed as soon as the "big show" is over. We have one of those movie theatre popcorn poppers that we drag out and we watch a show we've never seen before. We try not watch movies or TV constantly so that when we do it's an event.
I love relaxing and holding those little kids snuggled up on the couch! I love to see them get into the show. It's a great way to end the day.
You could say that movie watching is a lousy way to spend quality time together; there's no talking, no engaging, you're just vegging out. True, but sometimes it's nice to veg out together, with no talking, just some laughs occasionally and the snuggling. Of course, the snuggling.

This exactly what ours looks like. We even update the marque.
We got some popcorn buckets at Target.

One day we want to get one of those big projection screens and a progector I guess for the backyard. Fun.

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