A few weeks ago, I was picking our girl up from preschool. The preschool director was babysitting a little 10 month old girl in her car seat while her mother went to do something with her older boy. The 10 month old cried the whole time she sat there looking at the preschool director she really didn't know. The mother got back and apologized for the 10 month old crying the whole time. Of course, the preschool director didn't mind- she has kids and grand kids of her own. The mother told how this past weekend they were visiting grandparents and she thinks that her own mother's feeling were hurt because the 10 month old granddaughter wouldn't have anything to do with her grandma- she only wanted her mama. The mother explained that she stays home with the girl and that's probably the reason for the attachment issues. I quickly added that the attachment were a good thing and that "mama is always going to be number one".

Later that afternoon (completely unrelated to what was discussed at preschool), I remembered how I used to keep a journal, sort of, of the kid's first few weeks. I have 13 entries for our first baby, 3 for the second and at weeks, the third baby didn't have a single entry, yet. So, I sat down and started one. Then I looked through the old ones. Here's an excerpt from an entry when our first baby was about six months old:
"Over the Fourth of July weekend, she got very tired and it
was very hot in some places, but she just didn’t want to be held by very many
people that weren’t Mommy. I think people were kind of annoyed by it, but I
secretly liked it. It was the first time she reached and lunged for me. She
also would turn away from other people and bury her little head in my shoulder."
Ha ha ha ha ha! I like the part where I say that I secretly liked it! I loved it! Who doesn't like being the one a baby lunges for and wants? And besides that, wouldn't be a little odd if a little baby didn't care anything about going to its mother? The time will come soon enough when they wont want to leave grandma's house. I love that I have and have had such good relationships with my babies and time to form an attachment with them at these young ages when it matters. Also, I love rescuing them out of a completely harmless relative's arms!
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